2024 Teacher Training Workshops

Applications due October 18, 2024

Applications are closed

Deep-Sea Exploration and Technology: A Workshop for Local K – 12 Educators to Develop Hands-on STEM Modules

Lunch and Stipend Provided
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024 (9:00 AM – 3:00 PM)
Location: Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, 67 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215

The goal of this full day IN PERSON professional development workshop is to introduce K-12 educators in the Boston and nearby areas of Massachusetts to current research and technology for exploring the deep ocean and develop classroom modules for hands-on learning related to the exciting fields of oceanography and engineering.

Teachers will partner with subject matter experts to develop new concepts for classroom modules while also learning about existing modules developed as part of the Seafloor Science and Remotely Operated Vehicle (SSROV) Camp.

After the workshop, participants will develop the activity further and within 2 months, present their concept to one another via remote video conference. Selected modules will be fabricated and made accessible as requested for use in classrooms nationwide.

Participants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. Participants must also agree to abide by COBRA’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

QUESTIONS? Contact Geoff Wheat at wheat@mbari.org.

Application Process

Complete the online application form by October 18, 2024.

Applications are closed

About the application form:

The application form will ask for the following mandatory information:

  • Name and contact information
  • Where you teach (School, Town, State)
  • What grade level(s) and class(es) you teach
  • The demographics of your student body (race, income, needs, etc.)
  • Confirmation that you will provide your social security number if selected to participate so that we can issue a stipend
  • How long you have been a teacher
  • Short Answer (150 words or fewer): What do you hope to gain by participating in this workshop?
  • Short Answer (150 words or fewer): What is your experience with developing new hands-on STEM content?
  • Short Answer (150 words or fewer): What is your experience in teaching about the ocean, the deep sea, and/or the technology required to study it (ROVs, etc.)?

The application form will also ask for the following voluntary information:

  1. How do you currently describe your gender identity?
  2. How do you describe your race and/or ethnicity?

Why do we ask for this information? As part of our National Science Foundation funded grant, we ask several voluntary questions below in order to understand the demographics of the applicant pool.  Information you provide will help COBRA to track progress towards our goals of bringing together diverse stakeholders with interest in the crustal ocean biosphere and training the next generation of researchers.

Seafloor Exploration Teaching Modules Available!

About the Teacher Training Workshops

Expanding COBRA’s Seafloor Network to K-12 Teachers and Students

The mission of COBRA is to accelerate research on the structure, function, resilience, and ecosystem services of the crustal ocean biosphere to inform decision making. Critical to the work of our network is seafloor exploration for generation of new knowledge. Seafloor exploration is also an excellent tool for engaging students in STEM fields: it captures the imagination, develops intellectual and teamwork skills, is relevant to a range of potential career choices, and is conducive to making connections between desktop activities and the environment. We are expanding our COBRA network to include K-12 teachers and their students through the development of new seafloor exploration modules that can be incorporated into classrooms. Through these teacher workshops, the COBRA mission will reach beyond our current audience, sharing the wonders of our unique underwater world with a younger generation and sparking the potential for life-long interest and curiosity.

2024 Monterey Teacher Training Workshop

The inaugural COBRA Teacher Training Workshop was held April 20, 2024 in Monterey, CA for K-12 educators in the Monterey, Salinas, and nearby areas of California.

Future Teacher Training Workshops

Sign up for the COBRA newsletter to be notified of the next COBRA Teacher Training opportunity.

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