DOSI/DSBS Deep Sea Life

Issue 21, August 2023, pp. 29-32

Patricia (Trish) Albano1 , Laura Anthony2 , Sandra Antonio3 , Kelsey Barnhill4 , Erin Frates5 , Andrian Gajigan6 , Mani Sai Suryateja (Teja) Jammalamadaka7 , Tanika Ladd8, Franck Lejzerowicz9, Yakup Niyazi10, Georgina Ramírez Ortiz3 , Johanna Weston11

Co-lead: Randi Rotjan12, Julie Huber11, Andrew T. Fisher13, C. Geoff Wheat14, Rosalynn Sylvan15, and Beth N. Orcutt15

1NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2Florida State University, National Autonomous, 3National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 4University of Edinburgh, 5Boston University, 6University of Hawaii at Manoa, 7Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 8Western Washington University, 9University of Oslo, 10University of Western Australia, 11Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 12Department of Biology, Boston University, 13Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, 14College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 15Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

The second virtual COBRA Master Class took place from February 14 – May 16, 2023, to train early career COBRA Fellows in deep-sea expedition planning from start to finish. The Fellows acquired skills and tools to successfully design, propose, and execute deep-sea oceanographic field research, with a collaborative, just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive approach. The Fellows followed the Octopus Odyssey expedition of the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s RV Falkor (too) via WhatsApp, to get real-world exposure to daily cruise operations and planning. They contributed to developing an open-access “how to” manual and as a teaser, they listed take-home messages that may help aspiring deep-sea expeditions leaders to start planning successfully, and early!

Take-homes from the 2023 COBRA Master Class on the course topics of Assets, Team Science, Proposals and Funding, Respectful Concept Development, Cruise Preparation, At-sea Operations, Unwritten Rules, Intro to Deep Data, Data Management Plan to Cruise Report, Ocean Law…

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