Seafloor Exploration Teaching Modules (Under Development)

Here are some of the modules developed by the teachers from the Monterey Workshop. Lesson Plans with Standards will be linked for each activity, and hands-on learning kits are being developed for distribution. Stay tuned for more coming soon!

Weird Deep-Sea Animal [Lesson Plan] [More Info] Animal and Habitat Biodiversity (Grades K-5) 
Produced by Kimi Kato (Toro Park Elementary School, Salinas, CA) & Claudia Paul (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Students learn about deep-sea animals and adaptations with depth and habitat. Students create a unique ocean animal to discover how adaptations help them survive in their habitat.

Applicable Next Generation Science Standards:
2-PS1-1; K-2-ETS1-2; 3-LS4-4; K-ESS3-1; 2-LS4-1; 3-LS4-3

What Makes Oceans Turbid?
Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics (Grades 7-12) 

Produced by Susan Castello and Gustavo Rios (Monterey High School, Monterey, CA)

Students will measure simulated water samples with different levels of turbidity. What makes a water turbid? How do analog methods of detection compare with digital methods?

Applicable Next Generation Science Standards:
MS-LS2-1; MS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-2

Soup of the Seven Seas
Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics (Grades 7-12) 

Produced by David Chandler (Monterey High School, Monterey, CA)

Students create the most sustainable Caldo Siete Mares “Soup of the Seven Seas“ recipe. Sustainability is based on Seafood Watch Guide, Trophic Level score, Distance from Market score, Cost score, and Nutritional Values.

Applicable Next Generation Science Standards:
HS-LS2-7, HS-ETS1-1, HS-ETS1-2, HS-ETS1-3

COBRA Teacher Training Workshops

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